Feb 062016

Pressure PipesĀ 1.3.0

  • Added Tank Access Port – allows input/output for the same block – intended for use with ExtraCells fluid storage bus and similar mechanics
  • Fixed multiple issues with OpenComputers integration, should be fully usable now
  • Added fluid flow counts to Data Port APIĀ (thanks habnabit)
  • Pipe Sensors can now be accessed by computers (thanks habnabit)


Pressure Pipes
Version: (For Minecraft: 1.7.10)
1.4 MiB

Minecraft 1.8.9 beta

Beta builds of Pressure Pipes for Minecraft 1.8.9 are available from CurseForge and Jenkins.

This port have been a pretty monumental effort and there are still small bits of stuff to finish and bugs to fix. I did update/rewrite pretty much all of BDLib code so future ports of my other mods should be much much easier. Advanced Generators will be the next mod i’ll start working on once i’m done fixing the remaining issues with Pressure Pipes.


 Posted by at 9:06 pm

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