Turbine and Capacitor Materials



CapacitorMaterials config section is used to define capacitor block materials, with every sub-section representing a new material:

cfg {name} { //Section name is unused but must be unique
    Tier = {number} // Tier, used to decide what can upgrade kits upgrade
    MJCapacity = {number} // Capacity, in MJ
    RegisterKit = {boolean} // Set to false to not add upgrade kits


TurbineMaterials config section is used to define turbine block materials, with every sub-section representing a new material:

cfg {name} { //Section name is unused but must be unique
    Tier = {number} // Tier, used to decide what can upgrade kits
    InertiaMultiplier = {number} // Affects rotation speed change
    MaxMJPerTick = {number} // Energy produced in MJ/tick
    RegisterBlade = {boolean} // Enables registration of blade item
    RegisterRotor = {boolean} // Enables registration of blade item
    RegisterKit = {boolean} // Enables registration of upgrade kit item
    ReqOreDict = {name} // Will only register if material is present
    ReqMod = {modid} // Will only register if mod is present
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